Monday, August 31, 2009

Bullet in the Brain

Reading this at the moment.

Particularly like "Bullet in the Brain" which you can listen to via
the New Yorker Fiction Podcast.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Alien, Predator ... Alien vs Predator

I got a hold of a triple DVD set of Alien, Predator and Alien vs. Predator a couple of weeks ago. It was an impulse buy while EJ and I walked around a department store trying to agree on when was a good time to sleep.
"Hey, I'm older, you'll get tired first ..." (YAWN).

I've been using the opportunity afforded to me by my flu and recent fatherhood to re-watch these classic movies. EJ likes them too. With the volume control in one hand, dummy nearby, I can rock her to sleep on A's breast-feeding chair while we watch.

Predator is the ultimate boy scout, he comes prepared. Alien is a naturally existing life-form that has ideas of it's own and is completely uncontrollable.

The irony is not lost on EJ who at random points in the film will cry out like alien, necessitating me to PAUSE, rock, apply dummy, cry back (in lullaby) before the movie can go on.

Alien and Predator remain awesome films, but I prefer the YouTube clip below to AVP.

Don't knock the breast feeding chair until you try it - without it there would be no movie at all.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Drive Home

A new beginning

Okay. I've had the flu and it really floored me. Pig flu, Man flu - same dif.

But for the first time in ages I've not drunk any alcohol for a whole week. I've stepped off the treadmill for just long enough to have some thoughts, which included thoughts about connectedness.

"must join twitter" tick!

"I need to revamp this blog" tick!